11 Student Business Ideas for Making Money in College

woman in blue academic dress

Going to school can certainly provide you with the academic foundation to pursue your dream career, but starting a business while in the College can offer you valuable lessons and experiences that you won’t find in a classroom.

True attending a Business School can be of help in teaching you the theories and formulas but there is nothing like doing business on your own to learn the ropes. See the 11 money-making ideas you need as a student

  1. Tutorial Business: you can help other students in this, writing term papers, projects, and prep classes for those in junior classes. All you need to do is choose the areas you are good at and market your skills.
  1. Freelancer: if you are good at graphics design, copywriting, content creation, and editing you can set up a portfolio site or create a listing on job sites like Upwork, Fiverr, etc. Freelancing business has a low startup and you can earn serious money from it.
  1. Reselling Business: you can buy thrift wear, underwear, recharge cards, etc., and sell online and offline, get the items at a low price attach your own price, and sell.hanged top on brown and white clothes horse
  1. Advertising Agency: this might sound broad but you can choose to Run Ads for people for a token, which could be 3 days, 7 days, or even for a month. You can choose to create a sales funnel for them, or copywriting for their sales page. You can go for any of them and bill your customer
  1. Baking/Food business: you can venture into baking, students like to celebrate their birthdays you can bake cakes, and prepare small chops for them. You can prepare food for students and working-class individuals who do not have time to cook. You make this food in liters and then deliver it to them.close up photography of cupcakes
  1. Dropshipping: it lets you sell products without buying the products upfront or managing the inventory, all you need hot products, get customers interested, and sell your product
  1. Content monetization: if you are good at writing content, storytelling, graphic designing, and so on consider building your audience, teaching what you know and growing your audience, offering your services to people who need them, and making your money.
  1. Service-based business: sure there are services you know that you can offer could be technical work, fixing computers and other gadgets, making hair, etc. Let people know you are good at that and also to them to refer clothes, if you are good at this in no time people will be asking for your services.pots, plants, cactus
  1. Shopper: you can shop various things for people ranging from foodstuffs, party shoppers, and clothes, if you have a good eye for quality fabrics you can consider offering these services to people
  2. Writing: you can be a good writer who will be publishing your books on Amazon KDP and other sites that will allow you to publish your work and get paid
  1. YouTube Channel: you can start up a YouTube channel, choose a niche you understand well, and make videos on it, you can do this with a good phone camera, edit your work, and post on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/creators/how-things-work/content-creation-strategy/

These are just a few businesses you can start as students and you can start it today.

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